Finally after a delay of 3 hours Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari addresses the nation at 1 am, when half of the nation is sleeping.
It is very clear to see That this man has no capabilities of a president.He doesn't has the qualification,knowledge and personality of a person representing Pakistan on on a national level . the main reason why the address to the nation was delayed for so log was that Mr.10% could"nt read the address live on the TV which was written for him.
So the address had to be recorded and edited again and again.Even then no was impressed with the speech ,because all he was Doug was reading the words from the paper like a child.
And the other thing which none has noticed yet the Mr.president never said that these militants were outsiders ad that they were being supported by anti-Pakistan forces.the question is why? its only because puppets are not suppose to say anything until they are told to.
All the things he said about the troubled people of SWAT and other areas and the announcements of developments and support for hem cannot be believed because everyone has seen how true can he be.
People should know that Zardari is only continuing the American agenda and collecting money from the poor nation by imposing more and more taxes,Nothing has changed and With President like Mr.Zaedari none can hope for a change,
Things are getting worse through the country it is only because We are surrounded by traders ,In the media and in the government.
No leader stands for the people,
All Asif Ali Zardari can do is to sell each and every corner of Pakistan and collect all the money and spend it on all the women he likes.
This man is the worst humiliation for Pakistani people.