REAL PEOPLE Headline Animator

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Lahore attacked again with the most bloody and destructive bomb blast.Now the Pakistani Media and officials are continue sly blaming the "Taliban" who are fighting in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
Well the facts could be very different here and if we take a closer look we will find the presence of the third praty.

On What Date And DAY did It Happened?
Well people should now know that the day when this horrific and cowardly act was carried out in Lahore was not an ordinary day.It was a special day for some people,Yes it was the 45th death anniversary of the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru .U can see some of the Indian leaders paying their tribute in the pic

Now this is not enough information to prove the involvement of the third party.

Let"s take a more closer look.

The Location Of the bomb Blast.

The terrorists targeted a very special area for the bomb blast.The area of Lahore where this cowardly act was carried out was an area of law and enforcement offices most of the police and intelligence offices are situated in a very close range.

Why this location is important?

this location is very important because of var ions reason was to target the police and agencies .AND THE VERY IMPORT AN REASON TO ATTACK THIS AREA was that it has been said tat the TERRORISTS FROM the LIBERTY ATTACKS IN LAHORE were cough and kept in the intelligence office behind where the bomb exploded.

And the REAL AIM was to kill those terrorists so that Pakistan could not show any evidence against India.

But India should realize that they will never get results from such acts.

All this proves the Indian involvement of India in this cowardly attack.

Every time a attack is carried out any where in Pakistan ,the Interior Minister ,Rehman malik , comes along with the same statement that this all is being done by the militants Pak Army is Fighting in Sawat and other areas .The question is that how can he be so confident about the involvement very soon after the incident .And if he knew that all along y could"nt he stop it?

Why cant he tell people the truth.Or is He Trying to defend Simone?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Gentlemen Soldiers of Pakistan

An interesting and thought provoking article from an Indian writer, Shivani Mohan, where she discusses the human side of soldiers and mentions a beautiful incident in 1965 when Pakistani soldiers had captured Indian territory and a whole village evacuated in face of advancing Pakistani troops, leaving behind 3 elderly Indian citizens. The two elderly men and a woman were well looked after by the Pakistani soldiers until ceasefire was declare and the three were joined by their families..
Shivani Mohan
The trilateral talks between the United States, Pakistan and Afghanistan in Washington recently ended with a renewed avowal to obliterate terror networks. Pakistan has shown concrete steps on ground destroying the Taleban headquarters in Swat, a move that should be lauded internationally. The Pakistani Army is fighting one of its toughest internal wars ever. Fighting one’s own people is in no way easier than fighting conventional wars.
There is the unseen specter of civilian casualties to be dealt with. The US drone attacks in many regions of Pakistan have killed more than 700 innocent civilians. Drone attacks bring about visions of a huge disinfectant pump, flying in the air, emotionless and sterile; ruthlessly eliminating colonies of ants and cockroaches below. But people are not insects. In Afghanistan almost 2000 people have perished due to US led attacks last year. The UNHCR has estimated that almost a million civilians are going to be displaced in this operation. To add to this humanitarian crisis, President Obama announced that 20,000 more troops are going to be deployed in Afghanistan. One wonders what happens to the power dynamics of an already disturbed region when such a large number of armed men are further pumped into it. China is one country that has categorically expressed concern over such a large American military presence in the region.
So what would these additional 20,000 troops bring to the region? More death and destruction. War after all is so ugly and sordid.
Imtiaz Dharker, a Pakistan born poet married to an Indian, puts it so beautifully in the poem ‘Battle-line’ from her book ‘Purdah.’ She speaks here of a marriage, though her imagery is that of a war. It could almost be evocative of the mis-marriage India and Pakistan have shared for years:
Did you expect dignity?All you see is bodiesCrumpled carelessly, and thrown awayThe arms and legs are never arrangedHeroically…..….the body becomes a territoryshifting across uneasy sheet….These two countries lieHunched against each otherdistrustful loverswho have fought bitterlyand turned their backs….
But has India tuned its back? Are we immune to what’s happening there? No. India may be preoccupied with the elections right now but we welcome the proactive measures taken by Pakistan. Better late than never. A safe Pakistan definitely means a safe India and the region. And even though our soldiers have mostly fought against each other, India appreciates what the Pakistani Army is doing today to rid the region and the world of its biggest threat. At the same time, no matter which country they belong to, soldiers are people-human and fallible. I have grown surrounded by soldiers all my life— my father, husband, father-in-law and a maternal uncle are all army officers — and have had the privilege of seeing their loving, nurturing sides. I have known army men who sing, dance and make merry, who cook a mean curry and start spewing poetry after the third drink. Men who are gallant and chivalrous, who open doors and offer chairs to ladies. Men who have cried over a break-up; and wept bitterly the day they got their first ‘kill.’
It is difficult for me to perceive how ruthless these men would have been in battle situations. I have known them as gentlemen. Would they be capable of cold-blooded killing? Would they cease to be chivalrous the moment they enter a ‘war zone?’ Could they gouge another human clinically, not flinching as he lay dead, oozing blood? Of course, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I am not saying that soldiers should give up their guns and become artists or poets. But I am sure being in touch with their feminine sides, makes better soldiers and gentlemen out of them. I know that ‘courage under fire’ is important. But so is ‘grace under fire.’
One of my most avid readers is Munir Ishrat, a retired Colonel from the Pakistani Army. Here’s something that he once wrote to me.
“I want to share a thought with you because you belong to a family that knows well the pros and cons of wars. I, too, have fought two wars – 1965 and 1971 – as an officer of the Pakistan Army. I would like to tell you that very few of the soldiers who have fought wars really like war. War is not a good thing. This is true. And I am sure even on your side of the fence the hatred against war will be no less. Soldiers fight wars because they have to respond to their call of duty. Defending their country’s honour and sovereignty is their primary job — irrespective of the nation or the country they belong to. But they are human beings, too.
Let me quote an incident of 1965 War. I was a young officer and part of a force that had captured some Indian territory on the night of 6th September following the Indian forces attack in Lahore Sector earlier in the day. We found on the next morning that everyone had left the nearby village, leaving behind three old inmates — two men and a woman. They had somehow survived the shelling and fighting of the previous night and had to stay back due to their old age. You may not believe it but our troops looked after the three old people very properly for the rest of the period of the War. I myself used to fill their buckets with water from a hand pump and carry it to their homes during the lull in shelling. They were to us fellow human beings and not just Indian citizens! No body thought of harming them. The feelings on their faces when they were being handed over to the Indian officials after the ceasefire told a lot about their gratitude.”
I know Munir is a thorough gentleman. I only wish that a majority of the troops deployed in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border are the kind of gentlemen that I have known army men to be. But drones are something else. They are not even in touch with their human sides. Drone attacks are not manned by fathers, brothers, sons and uncles. Drones would not know these things even in a million years.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sri Lanka rejected international calls to halt its final offensive against Tamil rebels on Thursday, hours after the United Nations Security Council called for civilian lives to be spared.

Instead, troops pressed ahead with their major push aimed at completely defeating the remaining Tiger fighters, the military said as the former colonial power, Britain, raised the prospect of a war crimes investigation.

The military insists that it does not target civilians and that the current offensive is also aimed at freeing tens of thousands of civilians still held by rebels as a human shield.

“More than 2,000 people crossed over to government-controlled areas today (Thursday)” and a further 2,000 people were lined up waiting to flee, military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara said.

Britain said the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka was “truly shocking.” “We would support an early investigation into all incidents that may have resulted in civilian casualties ... to determine whether war crimes have been committed,” junior Foreign Minister Bill Rammell said.

Sri Lanka remained defiant despite the calls to halt the onslaught against the Tamil separatists who are said to be on the verge of defeat after 37 years of fighting.

“We are not going to succumb to international pressure to stop the offensive,” said Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena, who argued that Sri Lanka was being unfairly targeted.

“In Pakistan and Afghanistan there are similar conflicts but no one is asking them to have a peace agreement or a ceasefire,” Mr Abeywardena told reporters.

“There is no international pressure there,” he added. “Why only target us?” His comments followed a statement issued late Wednesday by the UN Security Council urging both Colombo and the Tigers to “ensure the safety of civilians” and “respect their obligations under international humanitarian law.” —

Thursday, May 7, 2009


“US defeat in Afghanistan, however, poses an existential threat to Pakistan. It is being turned into another Cambodia with a grim twist. During the Vietnam War, the Americans bombed their way out by killing two million Cambodians. The process of Pakistan’s destablization is in full swing with Pakistani rulers acting as willing accomplices in this criminal enterprise for a fistful of dollars,” - Zafar Bangash, a Canadian writer’s opinion published in Crescent International.

“It is essential that we strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism by all disguised and secret plans,” - David Ben Gurion, first prime minister of the Zionist entity.

After eight year of occupation - both the Pentagon and US State Department gurus have come to the conclusion that Washington cannot achieve a military victory in Afghanistan. Rabbi Caspers Funnye brother-in-law, Barack Obama, while talking tough on Afghanistan - his Jewish administration is privately trying to cut a deal with the pro-west Taliban leaders, like former ministers Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani to head a new government in Kabul - expecting that they maybe able to look after Zionists’ interests (oil/gas pipeline from Caspian Sea to Gwadar port in Balochistan); an anti-Iran government in Kabul, and exploitation of Afghanistan’s untaped natural resources. Even the Zionist Jewish Foreign Minister of France, Bernard Kouchner, in an interview with Le Figaro (March 9, 2009) - advised Obama administration to accept a pro-Taliban government if that’s what the majority of Afghans want.

The America’s four allies - Britain, Canada, Netherlands, and Turkey - whose soldiers are dying for Zionist agenda in that part of the Muslim world, want to get out of Afghanistan before the end of 2011. Britain’s Zionist foreign secretary, David Miliband, has advised Washington to drop the term “War on Terror”, which he believe is deceptive and misleading.

On April 3, the pro-Israel Senator Christopher Bond (R-MO), said on New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service: “We will not have success in eliminating extremist elements in Afghanistan if we cannot confront them in western Pakistan. To do this we must fully engage Pakistan…….NATO must boost its activities in that region……The security (of USrael interests) will only be achieved if Pakistan and Afghan forces control those areas instead of the terrorists….”

Ann Coulter in her interview with Victoria Jones at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC, said: “President Obama seems to be following Bush’s policy on terrorism (war on Islam).”

Lt. Col. William Astore (USAF) in his recent article wrote: “Yes, there is something distasteful about a media that belithely refer to Bush’s or Obama’s war as hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghan suffers. For American troops, after all, are not the only one paying the ultimate price when the US fights foreign wars for ill-considered reasons and mis-guided goals.”

Since Obama took over office, the US military strikes inside Pakistani territory have increased significantly. The pro-US Pakistan government lead by president Asif Zardari, a man with a criminal record that will make most Pakistani politicians blush - may well be assisting Washington to dismember the only Muslim country with nuclear arsenal - for the pleasure of Muslim-hating Zionist Jews and Hindu extremists polical parties in India.

These strikes, instead of destroying the so-called “web of terrorism” - has increased public including junior military officers’ hatred toward the US and Zardari government. Most of these “terrorists” in FATA area were trained by CIA, ISI, and Saudi ‘royals’ in the 1989. No doubt, there are many Pukhtoons in Pakistan, who like to see Taliban return to power in Afghanistan - but the main factor behind the horrible situation in that country is 7-year-old western occupation and its corrupt puppet regime of Hamid Karzai. Considering the common ethnic and religious connection between Pakhtoons living in Afghanistan and Pakistan - the Taliban resistance against US occupation has serious repercussions for Islamabad. As such the chaos in Afghanistan is distablizing Pakistan.

The Jewish Lobby has succeeded in tilting Washington’s foreign policy toward Pakistan’s regional enemy, India, a former USSR ally - thanks to several Mossad-RAW terrorist attacks in both India and Pakistan. Instead of taking some genuine initiative to resolve the oldest territorial problem (Kashmir) between the two neighbours - the US recently cut a nuclear deal with India while refusing to help its sixty-year-old ally, Pakistan. This new deal is used as a bribe for India to backdown from IPI pipeline deal with Pakistan to obtain oil from Islamic Iran - which was considered a great regional cooperation in the energy sector between the three neighbouring countries. Such American actions are enough proof for the patriotic Pakistanis to believe that the US-Israel-India has become the ‘Axis of Evil’ for the Muslim world.

The Zionist regime and its midwife, the US, have come to the conclusion that the events of the last two decades - the Zionist experiment in the Middle East is living on borrowed time. The reconstruction of an Islamic anti-Zionist bloc is just begining to surface - and this haunt the Zionist thugs both in Tel Aviv and Washington.